Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mission update...part 3

So, I have officially given my notice at work. May 9 is the last shift I will work. While I am really sad to leave a job that I LOVE, I am excited for this next step in my life. I am SOOOO grateful for all the support I've gotten at work. I am really surprised at how excited everyone is that I'm leaving (I don't know if that is a good thing.) I have luckily been told by several people that I should be able to come back after my mission (i.e. I haven't burned any major bridges yet.) So, I am in the process of finalizing everything at work...getting someone to cover prom crashes/presentations next season. I am REALLY grateful that I am going to be able to move back to my old station for my last month. I have been at different stations for the past 2 months. While I like the station I'm at now, I really feel at home at my old one. The fire crew there just feels like family and we've really "bonded" (that's a whole other blog...hehe). So I anticipate that it will be hard, but a smooth transition out of paramedic life. Give my notice to work...check!

Mission update...part 2

I hate having one post that takes up the whole screen, so I'm breaking it down...
I scheduled my dentist appt for last monday. Well, I got a call from work before that asking if I wanted to pick up some overtime for Sunday night. More money? Do you really have to ask? Well, thanks to a last minute 911 call, having to cover someone elses district after that, then ANOTHER 911 call, I missed my dentist appt...I was not happy, but what are you gonna do? I rescheduled and went in today. My mouth feels like it is going to explode from the throbbing! I had to have a crown put on. Well, in the process of drilling, apparently they exposed my nerve. Talk about pain! I want a permanent shot of novacaine until tomorrow when I get the pleasure of having a root canal. FUN!!!! My dentist won't sign off on my mission papers until after all that is finished, so that won't be until my follow-up appt on April 8. Dental papers...in the process.

Mission Update

Okay, so here is an update for all you that are interested. I had my physical two weeks ago and had my mission forms filled out by my doctor. Well, while I was there, my doctor and I discovered that I have never had my Hepatitis A shot...WHAT?!?!?! Well, this is one of the shots that you get one, then another in 6 months. My physical was on March 2. 6 months from then is Sept 2...right when my availability date for my mission is. THAT was close. Also, the doctor walked in and this was our conversation
Dr. Graham: "Do you normally wear contacts or glasses"
Me: "I have my contacts in right now."
Dr. Graham: "Really? When was your last eye exam?"
Me: "Five months ago."
Dr. Graham "Well, I can sign off on everything, but your vision tested at 20/30 with your contacts in...You need to get another eye exam before you leave."

SOOOO, thanks to my amazing friend, Stephanie, who works at an optometrist's office, I got my vision checked. It has changed 2 steps in 5 months...whatever that means. So, I have new contacts ordered for that. Medical clearance...check!