Monday, April 28, 2014

Prostitutes, night clubs, and voodoo...oh my!

So, I just received the email with the villages I will be working in when I go to Haiti.  The descriptions sound like it could be a VERY interesting experience.  

One of the villages is Minoterie.  You can read more about it here:

The description that stood out to me is "According to our Church of Hope leaders, there is no church inside the city limits that exerts a substantial Gospel presence in the town. There are three voodoo temples in Minoterie. The church has difficulty growing in Minoterie because of a heavy presence of prostitution and nightclubs, which is fed by the constant inflow of truckers coming the flour plant. According to a survey of community leaders, there are 3 prostitution houses and 6 nightclubs...The constant influx of truckers has cultivated the market for prostitution and other similar activities discussed previously...The gospel is often not accepted by women in the prostitution industry because they feel as though they have no other way to provide for their families. Minoterie could benefit from a gospel-centered program to move the women of the town out of prostitution. "  I feel for these women that feel their only option to care for their family is the sell their bodies.

The other village is Source-Matelas.  The description isn't quite as colorful, but still sounds interesting!

"Though there are many churches in the town, there is an equally strong presence of Voodoo temples. There are 19 Voodoo temples in Source-Matelas that are broadcasting an anti-gospel message in the town."