Wednesday, March 24, 2010


For those of you that may be having one of those days where you just want to go to bed and wake up with a new day, watch this. It reminds you of the happiness you can feel and experience. It reminds you that you have a father in Heaven that knows you and gives you what you need. I've had some rough days lately trying to stay positive despite having had 5 surgeries in a year. I was so grateful that this surgery went so much smoother than the first. Then 2 weeks post-op, I developed welts on my arm starting around the incision, then spreading over my whole shoulder. Anyone that knows about joint surgery knows that if an infection gets into the joint, it's bad news. Luckily, this surgeon is VERY proactive about even "possible" infection. So, 6 hrs in the ER, after almost draining all my blood for all the tests they are running, one PA, an ER doctor, and the surgeon all came to the same conclusion. I'm "having some kind of reaction to something." Specific, huh? Well, they may not know exactly what I'm reacting to, but they've ruled out all the really nasty possibilities. Now, because he's so proactive, I'm on 2 antibiotics, I've had one dose of IV Benadryl, I'm taking 50 mg of Benadryl every 4 hours, 1 steroid, Allegra 180, and Zantac (apparently it has an antihistamine effect too)...and going in weekly to make sure it doesn't take a turn for the worse. While this is very stressful, and I just want to be done, I admit, I've had my days of every emotion...anger, fear, sadness, frustration, helplessness, etc. But this video reached me at just the right point in that day. Hopefully it can help someone else out there too.

1 comment:

Heidi Meadows said...

Glad to hear your doctor is being proactive and I hope your shoulder heals soon. Thanks for your post and for sharing this video. It was perfect timing, as I am having a really rough time making it through the day today. It was a great reminder that I have so much to be thankful for.