Monday, April 13, 2015

You want me to do what?!?!?!-Putting the plan in place, and ANGERING Satan

1 Nephi 3:7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.
This scripture stuck in my mind A LOT as I was trying to decide how in the world I was going to fit a mission into MY plans.  He will prepare a way, right?Little did I know God was fitting it into HIS plans...despite MY plans. I knew I needed to go back out, and I made the decision that after I graduated in May would be the perfect time.  It gave me a little under a year to prepare, and would work out great. After deciding to serve a mission, my car decided to prepare me for trials and breaking everything at once...distributor went out and killed the radiator, exhaust system, and everything else attached.  Several thousand dollars later, I had a car that ran...most of the time.  I was struggling due to the long commute to and from school (80 miles each way, 4-5 days a week). Then it died on the way to school and as I was sitting on the side of the road I realized, (spoiler alert!!!!!) life sucks. I had it towed back to Kansas City (I was in the middle of NO WHERE when it give a mile marker to the tow company because there was NOTHING close by). Of course, the dealership was unable to find ANYTHING wrong with it and it started right up the next day.  I drove it straight to another dealership that had a car I wanted and signed paperwork to get a new car.  I was going to be able to sell it before leaving on my mission but still have transportation to and from school...yeah right. Due to a very INCOMPETANT *$%&*#&%*& employee at this dealership O'neill Honda that I choose to be Christ-like and won't name, that deal fell through and I was stuck with my old unreliable car. Before taking the nice car back to the dealership, I stopped at the temple to do a session to try and gain some peace and guidance in what I was supposed to do now.  I was yet again at a loss of the plan for me.  While in the temple, I immediately got my answer, and didn't like it.  Like ugly cry didn't like it (just ask the friends that just happened to be there at the same time  it was a U.G.L.Y. snot-down-my-face-can't stop blubbering long enough to say anything cry). I wasn't supposed to be in school anymore. It was taking WAY too much of my time and WAY too many years off my life. I wasn't able to concentrate on what was truly important...finishing school. And of course it was three days after the withdraw I have a semester of failures on my transcript.  Failure...a term I felt very familiar with.  Failed at a mission, failed as a paramedic, failed to get married. Fail. Fail. Fail.  Wasn't I ever going to succeed? These are the thoughts that go through your head...right before something amazing happens.  Satan is trying to keep you from doing something so great, you can't even imagine.  He tries to beat you down so he can win.  Well, TAKE THAT Satan!!! I decided to put my papers in and set an appointment with the Bishop (leader of my congregation at church) to get things started.

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