Tuesday, November 3, 2015

From October 19, 2015

Friday we had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders. I was paired with Sister Sim who is from South Korea and speaks NO spanish. The first 6 doors we knocked answered!!!! And 4 of them spoke Spanish, so I got to practice my door approaches and 2 of them want to hear more.

Our very first door was a hispanic man that answered. He said he had just gotten home from work and was eating dinner and really hungry. He kept trying to leave, but Sister Sim was persistant to the point that he was starting to get angry. We wished him a nice meal and moved on.

Several doors later, we met this lady named Evonne in the stairwell on her way back from doing laundry. We taught her about the restoration and she wants us to come back and teach her and her family. I asked for her apartment number and it was the one with the hungry man!!!!! That will be fun!

Our mission does something pretty cool here. Every month, they have a Missionary and Member Fireside. People that have been recently baptized share there testimony, there are a few special musical numbers and the mission president and stake president that's hosting it that month give a few comments. It was REALLY cool!!!!! One of Hermana Brooks previous investigators bore testimony. He was one that told them the government was putting fluoride in the water to docilize our minds. One man found the church by an online dating site where a woman listed "devout Mormon" under her profile. He asked her what it took to date a Mormon. They got married a few months ago and her son baptized him the day he got home from his mission. Maybe President Schofield will let us all spend time on dating sites to find new investigators? I know we will find someone that is ready, it's just taking a LOT of effort to find them. We can feel that it's close, we just have to rely on the Lord to guide us. 

Interesting person of the week...Wesley. We found him while street contacting on our way home. We asked if we could share a message and he said only if he could teach us about aliens. So we agreed. He taught us that aliens are just trying to protect us from ourselves. They are really nice. All information regarding aliens was supposed to be made known this year, but the big minds of USA and Russia "with the red buttons" are keeping it quiet. I love being a missionary!!!!!






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