Tuesday, November 3, 2015

From October 26, 2015

Spanish Speaking Missionaries at Conferencia Hispana
Our big event of the week was the "Conferencia Hispana" on Saturday.It was a state wide even held in our stake center. Hispanics and Latinos from all over the state came, had temple sessions, there was a fireside, and dinner, followed by a talent show where various wards performed dances and other talents from different countries. It was a BLAST!!!!! Although, I'm getting a little confused at what Mexican food really is...Friday night at Volleyball, the branch brought pizza, donuts, macaroni and cheese, and pretzels. Then the dinner at the cultural even was fried chicken and potato salad...

I have been asked to give a talk on November 15. I think it's kind of funny because I will be the "youth speaker". I've had a cold this week which has made tracting fun. It's not the most spritual message when you sneeze and hack up a lung mid sentence, but Hermana Brooks has been awesome at finishing my thought when it happens. I'm feeling a ton better, and I was blessed with the energy to still do everything we had planned, even though I was sick. God definitely blesses His missionaries.

 Spiritual thought to get you through the week: "A loving Heavenly Father has plotted our course and provided an unfailing guide-even obedience. A knowledge of truth and the answers to our greatest questions come to us as we are obedient to the commandments of God"-President Monson. God has a plan for each and every one of us. In order to stay on that path, all we have to do is obey His commandments.

Os amo!

Hermana Hargis

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